Mar 1 – Mar 5, 2017
Booth C3
March 1–5, 2017
Litvak Contemporary is pleased to announce its participation in Volta NY Art Fair, featuring artist Itamar Freed. Freed, born in 1987 in New York is the winner of 2016 Clore Bezalel Scholarship and the “EPSON” first prize award winner for Excellence in 2012. Freed is studying nowadays on a full scholarship at the Royal College of Arts in London.
Freed’s body of work examines the vulnerability of the body as a potent signifier of lived experience. The lines that demarcate the body are blurred and the figure becomes part of its surroundings. At times, the blurring refers not only to the barrier of the skin but also to the psychology of the depicted personalities:
In Freed’s works, the romance of nature has been replaced by conflicting emotions that draw as near to the uncanny as they do to wonderment. Through the use of color, composition, lighting and focal points, the borders between dream and awakening are blurred, Freed’s photographic ambiance exists in a threshold zone, beyond the bounds of specific time and place.
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